
Saturday 28 April 2018

More weirdness has broken out. :dontpanic:

It seems to be very erratic today. After disappearing this morning, now it only lets people post intermittently. Given how many hours this strangeness has been going on for, I fear this may be the dread end for the world's greatest forum. See the comments section for further updates as and when they occur.

Wednesday 4 April 2018

The server would appear to have vanished.

At the moment, all of Informe would appear to be down, with no reply from the server. Could it be the moment that's long been feared? Has the suspected demise of whoever was behind it finally done for the site? I have a bad feeling about this. :scared:

Monday 24 January 2011

Ou est la forum?

It's down again. It seems to be going down at least once a night now. I fear the end may be nigh.

Then again, I've been saying that since the thing was launched and, like a mad serial killer in a teen-horror flick, it just keeps coming back.

Saturday 22 January 2011

And now we're back again!

This is the post that does what it says on the tin, as the world's greatest forum's now back again.

It's down again.

Argh! The world's greatest forum's down again. But this time it's different. This time, the other Informe forums and their support forum are all working. I seem to be the only one affected.